Adding multiple channels to an effect over multiple cues

Hey everyone,

I was wondering how to add channels into an ongoing effect over multiple cues?

I created my own step-based pulsing effect, it only has one step, with channels 1-34 rising from 25 to 100 over the course of two seconds, and I'm happy with how it looks. 

The thing is, this piece is taking place in a stairwell and I want to slowly add in lights one at a time throughout the piece. So I want it to go something like

cue 1: Chan 1-6 effect 1

cue 2: Chan 11 effect 1

cue 3: Chan 12 effect 1

cue 4: Chan 13 effect 1

and so on,

but when I hit go, from say cue 1 to 2, channel 11 starts the effect from when I press go, and I want it to more join in with channels 1-6, and be at the same intensity at the same time as them.

Does that make sense? Does anyone know how I can make this happen so that throughout all the cues the effect is in sync with each other throughout?
