Triggering multiple cues with follow ons that overlap causes an already running cue to complete early

Currently running a show with SMPTE timecode and came across this bug on

Create cue 1 with a 3 minute fade time
Create cue 2 with a 1 second fade time and a follow of 5 seconds
Create cue 2.5 with a fade of 1 second
Create cue 3 with a 1 second fade time and a follow of 5 seconds
Create cue 3.5 with a fade of 1 second

Triggering all these in rapid succession using the Go button will not produce anything untoward.

Create a Magic sheet, and create a button for cues 1,2&3 with "Target" Being Cue and Cue Number.

Now use the Magic sheet buttons to trigger the cues.

Trigger cue 1, then cue 2, and before cue 2's follow is complete trigger cue 3.

Cue 1 will now complete with cue 3 regardless of how much time is left in cue 1's fade.

  • Hi,

    this is expected beahvior and pivots around in- and out-of-sequence cueing. 

    Now use the Magic sheet buttons to trigger the cues.

    Trigger cue 1, then cue 2, and before cue 2's follow is complete trigger cue 3.

    1) When you trigger Cue 2, the next cue in sequence is 2.5, so when you click on Cue 3 in the Magic Sheet before the follow for Cue 2.5 is complete, it will jump to Cue 3 in "Go To Cue" behavior and time, meaning it'll collect other running fades and complete Cue 3 in it's state.

    2) When you trigger Cue 2, then wait for Cue 2.5 to start running, then trigger Cue 3 from your Magic Sheet, Cue 3 is the next in sequence Cue and your trigger will act as [Go] meaning that fades still running from earlier triggers will continue running.

    You could avoid what you're seeing with 1) by changing Cue 2.5's follow trigger time to 0 and then working with Delays in Cue 2.5 instead, so that Cue 3 is immediately the next in sequence Cue after triggering Cue 2.

    Timecode trigger also use "Go To Cue" behavior btw.



  • Hi,

    this is expected beahvior and pivots around in- and out-of-sequence cueing. 

    Now use the Magic sheet buttons to trigger the cues.

    Trigger cue 1, then cue 2, and before cue 2's follow is complete trigger cue 3.

    1) When you trigger Cue 2, the next cue in sequence is 2.5, so when you click on Cue 3 in the Magic Sheet before the follow for Cue 2.5 is complete, it will jump to Cue 3 in "Go To Cue" behavior and time, meaning it'll collect other running fades and complete Cue 3 in it's state.

    2) When you trigger Cue 2, then wait for Cue 2.5 to start running, then trigger Cue 3 from your Magic Sheet, Cue 3 is the next in sequence Cue and your trigger will act as [Go] meaning that fades still running from earlier triggers will continue running.

    You could avoid what you're seeing with 1) by changing Cue 2.5's follow trigger time to 0 and then working with Delays in Cue 2.5 instead, so that Cue 3 is immediately the next in sequence Cue after triggering Cue 2.

    Timecode trigger also use "Go To Cue" behavior btw.



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