Imported Gobos keep sneaking in to my file

Ghost Gobo Images 2021-03-13 19-52-43.esf3d

I have a base file in which I keep all my previous magic sheets. The images in the Magic Sheet Image folder ONLY show used images because I'm always deleting unused. Then I merge in a magic sheet from an old show and suddenly under File>Import>Gobo Images...there are hundreds of images. None of these images are in my magic sheet, nor are they even mine in any way, but they get merged in and now they are clogging up my image folder in Magic Sheets and won't get deleted when I select Delete Unused. The only solution is to go to File>Import>Gobo Images and manually delete every one individually.

If I'm only bringing in 1 magic sheet with a couple images, how are all these hundreds of "secret" gobo images (that I never even added) also coming in as well. It's like a bad watermark that keeps burning me. Attached, I started a brand new show file, merged in one magic sheet, and it brought with it ALL these images. Can someone explain what is happening?


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