Help creating custom fixtures

Go easy on me, I'm a newbie!

I've been trying to create custom fixtures as the ones we got are not included in the fixture list. I can get parts of them to work, but I'm struggling with most of it. Is anyone available to help me? 

These are the manuals for the lights we just recently received.

I appreciate any help!

  • the RockOn7 seems to be in the library of the current software (3.0.1). if you're on hardware that allows to run the 3.0 branch you might want to update.

    motionstrip and spyder are not in the library, even of the current software. which modes did you try to build and what didn't work?

  • Thanks for that. I was able to get the board updated as well as the fixture library. 

    I'm struggling to make the RockOn7s work properly. I can patch in 1 of them on channel 1 but adding a second one doesn't work. Adding a single one only works on channel 1. Any suggestions?

  • It looks like there are two modes available for that fixture, a 14ch and 16ch.  So, you need to make sure your fixtures are using either the 14-dmx-address setup, or the 16-dmx-address setup, then choose the matching one on your console.

    Also, make sure you are offsetting the two fixtures' start addresses.  For instance, the first one might be DMX Address 1-14 on Channel 1.  The second fixture needs to have an address higher than 14, otherwise they will overlap and you will get strange behavior.  

    For ease of use, you might want to make the first fixture be address 101-114; the second one 121-134; and so on.  In Patch, that would look something like:

  • It looks like there are two modes available for that fixture, a 14ch and 16ch.  So, you need to make sure your fixtures are using either the 14-dmx-address setup, or the 16-dmx-address setup, then choose the matching one on your console.

    Also, make sure you are offsetting the two fixtures' start addresses.  For instance, the first one might be DMX Address 1-14 on Channel 1.  The second fixture needs to have an address higher than 14, otherwise they will overlap and you will get strange behavior.  

    For ease of use, you might want to make the first fixture be address 101-114; the second one 121-134; and so on.  In Patch, that would look something like:
