FX 201

Done some FX in past but now have 12 MLs I want make "dance"

I.E. Each ML should 'wander' around floor beneath itself whilst quickly fading between different colors.

What would be the most efficient way to build up this scenario? What basic FX would I need and the how would I layer such?  KISS

Thank you

  • you'd probably want two separate effects: one for pan/tilt and one for the colors.

    - the one for the focus category might be 901 or an absolute effect going from focus palette to focus palette
    - the one for the color category could be 917 (for additive, 918 for subtractive color mixing) or an absolute effect going from color palette to color palette.

    PS: FX 201 is not really discriptive, is it?

  • FX906 looked good. I actually made a Color changer following a FX recipe in my bench notes and never used but your way sounds neater - will try in am.

    Sorry:. Bad sense of humor here. Was referring to my knowledge of FX is 101 level but now want to ascend to giddy height of 201. Looking back agree it is confusing - but didn't fool you for a minute!

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