Hello there,
i just stumbled over this.
Made and Absolute FX with hard values:
Action1: Full
Action2: 0
When i apply this to a fixture every thing works as a thought.
Now i add an Inhibitive Sub to the system.
I would expect to lower the max value of the fixture proportional with the inhivitive sub.
But what i see is that the max vaule of the fixture is lowered with the doubled amount of the inhibitive.
When i try to write this in math/code it could look like this:
if (fixture == FX) || (inhibitive<100) { Fixture_max_Value = Fixture_max_value-((100-inhibitiv)*2); }
max_value_Fixute - ((100% - current_inhibitive) * 2)
... Way to complicated.
In other words
99% on an Inhibitive should make the fixture go to 99%.
If not in an FX it'll do as expected.
If in an FX, the Fixtures max Value is 98%
... hope you will get it.
I found an older post from 2018 which discribted something similar for a NIP.
Is this something i do not understand correct or is this a bug?