Magic Sheet, Active Cue Fixed To Different List

I'm trying to make a MS to trigger 3 different cuelists and have the Cue Status displayed but fixed to only display there own list.

I've tried a number of different commands like above but I can't get anything to fix the text to just list 1.

I'd like 3 different boxes/text to display the status of there own list not the last activated.

Does anyone know the magic syntax or is it not possible?



  • Change your OSC Cue Send String to be:


    Then make a command box magic sheet object that is targeted to:


    Replace X with the cue list you want to display.

    The magic sheet box will then display:

    Q{Cue Number}-{Cue Label}

    Q15-This is a test

    Since the trick is treating the argument as a single, completed string, replacing the "-" with a space will cause only the cue number to be displayed since Eos will treat that as two arguments - an integer and a string.

    Because this is only partly documented:

    %1 = Cue number

    %2 = Cue list number

    %3 = Cue whole number

    %4 = Cue point number

    %5 = Cue label

  • Sorry for the delay Scott.

    Thanks for this I didn't need it in the end but I'll put this into a shwofile for future reference.

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