Does anyone know if it's possible to bypass the power switch on the Puck?

I want to mount it under a cover plate in a Peli case and want it to either boot automatically on getting power OR install a flush mounted power switch on the side of the case and have that activate the power

  • There are settings in the BIOS that will allow the PUCK to boot UP at power ON.  But for each version of the puck (I believe we have 4 now), it's a different proceedure.  In fact, I was on here looking for anyone who had the list of Pucks, and the proceedures to change the BIOS.  So far, I haven't found anything.  It would be a good piece of info to have on here somewhere....

  • There are settings in the BIOS that will allow the PUCK to boot UP at power ON.  But for each version of the puck (I believe we have 4 now), it's a different proceedure.  In fact, I was on here looking for anyone who had the list of Pucks, and the proceedures to change the BIOS.  So far, I haven't found anything.  It would be a good piece of info to have on here somewhere....

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