Color Picker doesn't mix Lime

When i patch the Expolite LED Fresnel XAL (Red, Green, Blue, Amber and Lime) mode SSP and use the Color Picker, Lime is not affected and stays always on 100%.

When i use the ETC ColorSource Spot (Red, Green, Blue and Lime) mode Direct the lime led's are mixed within the color.

I use Ion Classic (Win 7E) and happens in Eos 2.9.2 and 3.1.0

Can i change the behaviour of the colormixing of the Expolite LED Fresnel XAL?

Parents Reply Children
  • Sorry to bump an old thread but I am assuming that you can patch fixtures with lime, cyan etc led channels on to an offline editor (running 3.2+), make generic Carallon colour pallets and then merge these with a console running 2.9.3 and so obtain the correct values for lime, cyan etc?

