EOS Fixture editor range bug

Hi all,

Not sure if anyone else has seen this happen but it is definitely annoying!

I am creating a new profile for a Mac Aura type fixture (Chinese knockoff). I was building the 14ch version first, and it was working fine inputing the DMX values and the ranges for each "step" of the first parameter in the fixture. It was working fine as I continued to add parameters until I got to the last parameter of the fixture in the editor and started to edit the effects ranges...I would enter the first DMX values, and hit ENTER and the software would say "ranges may not overlap" and then when I press OK, but it didn't take me back to the range editor, it took me back to the fixture editor. Thus, making the creation of a new fixture with ranges on some of the parameters very tedious.

I think there needs to be a software update in the way it behaves when there is an overlap. Or...there should not be a warning until you try to close the range editor. It is just annoying getting range errors with every single number entered. I was getting the range errors after completing the DMX side without even touching the USER side yet where the errors always were.

Just an FYI...I did try creating these fixtures on previous versions of the OS as well...right back to

I am currently using (offline) v3.1 b282.

Most of the range errors seem to stem from the USER side of the editor. The first parameter that had ranges to it, I had no issues. It allowed me to create the entire DMX side and then MATCH or SCALE the USER side. But after that first set of ranges, all other parameters that required ranges would give me errors because it was trying to auto-fill the USER side which would always be 0 to 100 on every range.

If I am missing something (this isn't the first fixture I have created either), please let me know. It is always good to hear that I missed one simple step that would make these problems go away.

Thanks for your time, everyone!


Darren W. Hales
Head Electrician
Arts Club Theatre Company
Vancouver, BC

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