Lights turn on at shutdown

Our house just got an Ion to replace the Obsession we've had for twenty years. 

When we power off the console, sometimes lights will come up on stage.  The lights that come on have nothing to do with the last cue that was run.  Going to Cue 0 doesn't seem to help.

The racks are Sensors that were installed with the Obsession.

Any ideas?

  • We have the same trouble with our ION.  We replaced an Obsession 600 with an ION and now we're forced to pull the DMX cables out before shutdown - sometimes the lights that come up are fine (not too saturated, etc) and sometimes they are 2k fresnels with R80 or worse.  Everyone always says "every board does that" but I think that's BS.  Our Obsession never did it.  Spurious DMX on shutdown, lovely.

    It's not so bad in the other space with the new ION, it has IPS dimmers and they only flash, the Sensors hold the last seen DMX for 5 minutes.  Sigh.




  • We have the same trouble with our ION.  We replaced an Obsession 600 with an ION and now we're forced to pull the DMX cables out before shutdown - sometimes the lights that come up are fine (not too saturated, etc) and sometimes they are 2k fresnels with R80 or worse.  Everyone always says "every board does that" but I think that's BS.  Our Obsession never did it.  Spurious DMX on shutdown, lovely.

    It's not so bad in the other space with the new ION, it has IPS dimmers and they only flash, the Sensors hold the last seen DMX for 5 minutes.  Sigh.



