Apex and the rate wheel

Hi there,

since i can't find any other place to talk about i create one ; )

The new Desk is nice.

But since i use the Rate Wheel more and more... i missed it on the Apex.

How will i fast forward or slow down my Cues in the Future on an Apex Desk?

Did someone found a Rate-Button?



  • I stumble again in and over this.

    The Ratemaster is sure one option. But there are a couple of downsights.

    1. the Ratemaster can not be configed in its range.
    2. Having a ratemaster on Fader 1 is Global for this Cue List and driving away the option to have a Master if you lay out the Cuelist on a single fader. But Apex has the wheel... and Non Apex Desks have a Rate-button.


    In the end i would love to have a Range Config for a Rate Master.
    But on the other hand the question is, is the Wheel on Apex also limited to 200% Rate or is it like the "old" Rate Wheel?
    And how will i be able to home it? By pressing the Wheel?

  • Anyone figure out how to home the rate to 100 on Apex?

    I’m especially interested in the rate on a cuelist mapped to the main fader pair.

  • You can learn a macro for this. It's quite simple if you move the fader close to 50 before starting to learn the macro. Start the learn process and move the fader to or across 50 and stop learning. In the macro editor you can now see multiple FaderMove commands. Find the one with 50 and delete the rest.

    On a magic sheet this can be used in a command object

    If you map the cuelist to regular faders (you can map it to these faders as well as to the main fader pair) you can access the rate fader through syntax. This has the advantage that you can type the macro in the editor rather than learning it with FaderMove.

    Since this is regular command line syntax this can be used in a magic sheet command object as well.

  • You can learn a macro for this. It's quite simple if you move the fader close to 50 before starting to learn the macro. Start the learn process and move the fader to or across 50 and stop learning. In the macro editor you can now see multiple FaderMove commands. Find the one with 50 and delete the rest.

    On a magic sheet this can be used in a command object

    If you map the cuelist to regular faders (you can map it to these faders as well as to the main fader pair) you can access the rate fader through syntax. This has the advantage that you can type the macro in the editor rather than learning it with FaderMove.

    Since this is regular command line syntax this can be used in a magic sheet command object as well.
