Element 2 Go Button occasionally fails to advance to the next Cue

Our Element 2 now occasionally fails to advance to the next Cue when the Go button is pushed.  We clearly hear the click of pushing the button but nothing happens. The next Go button push and the cue then runs as expected.  So now the operator has to watch the Playback Status Display (Cue List) to make sure the Cue actually advanced.

These are pretty simple shows, not too many lights or cues, no Augment3d model built for the space yet so no model in the show file, and the Augment3d tab is not open, Element 2 running software version 3.1.

The Master Playback faders are all the way up.  It doesn't have anything to do with timings as it still does this when I'm holding the Shift Key down when I hit Go to skip timings.

I've done a face panel test and the Go button works every time there, and I've hit the Go button in the face panel test ad nauseum.  I also tried a Deep Clear, no difference.

The only thing I've changed lately is to turn on RDM.  Our lighting network is DMX, 2 Universes straight out of the Element 2, no nodes.  Except for an an old Strand CD80 Dimmer Rack, all the fixtures on the system are ETC (Source Four LED Series 2 and ETC Relevé Spots on Universe 2, Strand CD80 Dimmer Rack on Universe 1).  Termination at the end of the DMX run.

I'll try turning RDM off today to see if that makes a difference.

Would logs help?  [Displays]+[Record] to add a "LOG_EVENT" flag to the logs?

  • The fact that it always works in face panel test suggests it is not a hardware issue- or we would expect it to fail during face panel test as well.  We could take a look at the logs if you do the flag and pull them, to see if the software is registering the button press at all.

  • I can go pull the logs and send them.  I went to the theatre this morning, since posting the original question (I just got back a few minutes ago), and I got it to mess up quite a number of times on the second run through the show's cues.  I did the [Displays]+[Record] each time.  I didn't save the logs yet, I should have while I was there.  Should I go back and save them?  Where do I send them?

  • You can upload them here, or send them to me via a private message in the forums should you choose- or if you have an RMA started we can take a look when the console is in for repair (we would need to know your RMA number so I can make a note that it is related to this thread).

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