Playback Problems

Hello, I was asked to step in at the last moment today to cover illness. Not used an ETC console for a while but had little trouble with 100 odd cues. Problem came when replaying the cues (all LED rig) I programmed using times between 1 and 5 seconds, On playback, some change as expected, some jump to new levels and some fade down then back up to new levels.....leaving me totally confused. any pointers to where I am going wrong would be very welcome :-)

  • I'm late to the single person party, but without further detail, I would initially suspect a bad patch or a bad DMX connection somewhere based on my understanding of the problem (erratic, unexplainable behavior when performing very basic tasks?). 

  • Same as Jordan, I would first be tempted to suspect bad DMX or Patch.

    To catch DMX problems: If you have a lot of fixtures on, and adjust the levels of some of those fixtures, or turn some off or others on -- does any of those changes affect lights OTHER than the ones you're adjusting? If yes, that would suggest something is going wrong with the DMX signal.

    Bad Patch: since you say they're all LED -- do the individual fixtures react the way you'd expect them to when you adjust  level and color? If you can reproduce any of the weirdness you're seeing in playback, that would suggest wrong patch or wrong DMX mode on console or fixture.

    If both of those check out -- do the levels indicated in Live Table View (tab 1) match what you're seeing onstage? Question is whether those level jumps are mirrored by the EOS status, or whether EOS says you're doing clean fades and the jumps are being caused somewhere downstream.

  • Same as Jordan, I would first be tempted to suspect bad DMX or Patch.

    To catch DMX problems: If you have a lot of fixtures on, and adjust the levels of some of those fixtures, or turn some off or others on -- does any of those changes affect lights OTHER than the ones you're adjusting? If yes, that would suggest something is going wrong with the DMX signal.

    Bad Patch: since you say they're all LED -- do the individual fixtures react the way you'd expect them to when you adjust  level and color? If you can reproduce any of the weirdness you're seeing in playback, that would suggest wrong patch or wrong DMX mode on console or fixture.

    If both of those check out -- do the levels indicated in Live Table View (tab 1) match what you're seeing onstage? Question is whether those level jumps are mirrored by the EOS status, or whether EOS says you're doing clean fades and the jumps are being caused somewhere downstream.

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