Console failed to boot, after upgrade

Hi All
Has anyone suffered the above fault?

Upgraded to v3.1.0 this week, console was faultless & didn't think is was worth the upgrade, (as there are always risk, as I found out)
but I wanted the custom direct selects.

Any how followed instructions to the letter & hey presto all was good, checked everything was present in the show file & my new direct selects worked, it was so i packed for the eve up well chuffed.
Next day I got the prompt to upgrade the "Gadget/IO Board Firmware" I ignored this & console booted up fine, after an hour I decided to do the upgrade as it would have to be done sooner or later.
Again followed the prompts to the letter, and after a few re-starts it said "Install Successful, re-Start to continue"
After that it I never got it to boot again!
A quick call to ETC Tech, who took me through a few basics, with no luck, so now I am looking at a costly return to ETC for repairs & down time while it's away.

This you would think is frustrating enough, but I was really P*ssed off when after a quick google search, I found it was a known fault for Win 7 Ion & Element consoles. ETC even have a web page on the fault, (see bellow).
Surely faults like this should be sorted as a priority, yes all the other fancy stuff in the upgrade is welcome, but no use if your console doesn't boot!


  • Oh my. I was just about to report similar. My attempt this am to update ended up with a message telling me the firmware was being updated but locked into that for over two hours! Prior to that the screen one chooses the updates from had a message at the bottom in red: "Cannot update in Boot Loader Mode"? Luckily, I got in touch with a rep who really know his stuff after only a 15-minute wait. We attached the remote keyboard and he had me alt+F11 and then transfer an archived boot loader to the right place (don't ask I wasn't taking notes). And that was it.

    BUT! When I got home, I looked at the usb flash drive my updates were on. And found it now had two Partitions! One F:/ efi/boot had three .efi files while the other G: had my update files! Not exactly sure how this came about but I suspect when the shell opened it saw the .efi files and in trying to boot from those something really screwed up. Be a while before I try this again.

    PS. As to sending the unit back etc, when we first bought the ELE2 I asked service for and got a "Cataclysmic Problems" re-imager pack complete with image flash drive and instructions.  One would have a lot of updating to do after that but at least we wouldn't have to wait months for the unit to go and come pack plus all that shipping and service costs. Just an idea.

  • Oh my. I was just about to report similar. My attempt this am to update ended up with a message telling me the firmware was being updated but locked into that for over two hours! Prior to that the screen one chooses the updates from had a message at the bottom in red: "Cannot update in Boot Loader Mode"? Luckily, I got in touch with a rep who really know his stuff after only a 15-minute wait. We attached the remote keyboard and he had me alt+F11 and then transfer an archived boot loader to the right place (don't ask I wasn't taking notes). And that was it.

    BUT! When I got home, I looked at the usb flash drive my updates were on. And found it now had two Partitions! One F:/ efi/boot had three .efi files while the other G: had my update files! Not exactly sure how this came about but I suspect when the shell opened it saw the .efi files and in trying to boot from those something really screwed up. Be a while before I try this again.

    PS. As to sending the unit back etc, when we first bought the ELE2 I asked service for and got a "Cataclysmic Problems" re-imager pack complete with image flash drive and instructions.  One would have a lot of updating to do after that but at least we wouldn't have to wait months for the unit to go and come pack plus all that shipping and service costs. Just an idea.

  • Hi,
    Yes you are not alone with the same problems, My console is now with ETC for repairs to software, not heard anything yet. Will post the results of the fix.

    I don't have a problem with electronic equipment developing faults from time to time, my issue is that ETC know about this & have not fixed the problem.

