Merging In Colour Palettes Without Matching By-Type Chan Doesn't Merge Data

So this may be deliberate, it may be I've never noticed before, it may not. Comments welcome. Software version 3.1.1.

Show 1 has chans 1>21 (say), which are a GLP Impression X4L (say). Chan 1 is the by type channel for colour palettes.

We're trying to merge that show data into a new show, call it Show 2. Show 2 has chans 11>21 which are GLP Impression X4L, patched as the same fixture type.

In Show 2, we merge in all the colour palettes as the same numbers, wth 'merge channels' unchecked.

After that, we have no colour information for 11>21 in Show 2.

If in Show 2 we create a channel 1, same fixture type, then do the merge again we do have colour for all of our X4Ls. 

In other words if the 'by type' channel doesn't exist then the 'by type' reference data doesn't get loaded and so none of the other channels of that type have any colour data.

Feels like the import should figure out what the values for those channels should be, even if not specifically importing the reference channel (just as if you import a cue which is all tracked values, you still get the correct state for that cue).



  • The by type channel must be present in the same type for the console to bring the by type data over.  This is intentional.

  • Yup, got all the workarounds. 

    Curious as to why this is intentional, though?

    It means you have to know what the by type channel is in the original showfile AND then do a lot of work to make sure something matches before importing. Whereas if (say) your original showfile contained absolute data, the data would come in properly.

    Again it feels wrong if you compare it to importing a cue. Importing the cue will bring in the full state, regardless of any values that were actually tracked values in the original cue. In other words, you didn't have to go look in the original showfile, block that cue then import it to guarantee the correct result....


  • Yup, got all the workarounds. 

    Curious as to why this is intentional, though?

    It means you have to know what the by type channel is in the original showfile AND then do a lot of work to make sure something matches before importing. Whereas if (say) your original showfile contained absolute data, the data would come in properly.

    Again it feels wrong if you compare it to importing a cue. Importing the cue will bring in the full state, regardless of any values that were actually tracked values in the original cue. In other words, you didn't have to go look in the original showfile, block that cue then import it to guarantee the correct result....


No Data