Bug: Eos doesn't honor color path if curve is applied to color

Hello, in cue 1 I have Group 70 doing a focus palette and a specific color. In cue 2 there are three parts - Part 2 does the focus move, Part 3 does the color move and Part 1 does the rest. I have a curve on Parts 2 and 3. This results in a nice easing on the move. The problem is that when a curve is applied on my color Part (3) it will ignore the color path. I was getting really expressive with paths and curves this programming session and noticed this. Is this a bug or just not implemented yet? This neeeeds to be a thing, would be so cool! Showfile attached!

Stóra 2022-2023 2022-04-18 19-35-23.esf3d

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