Encoder button press duration changed?

3.1.1 Ti Enhanced
3.0 At5
2.9.2 At5

i often use the encoder buttons to write the parameter name to the command line. on my current project i realized that i quite often can't get there  and thought i was going mad. i realized that apparently the maximum amount of time the encoder button can remain pressed has changed. only if the button is pressed for a short enough duration the parameter name will be written. if pressed longer, nothing will be written.

unfortunately i couldn't do my experiment with the same console. i tried on an At5 with 2.9.2 and 3.0 (it behaved like i'm used to) and compared it to a Ti with 3.1.1 that behaves differently. i can't say if the change depends on hardware or software.

i tried to measure the time of various attempts and figure out the tipping point. unfortunately the logs don't record the down and up edges so i had to time it manually which is why the precision of the times i took may vary.

1) on the At5 with 2.9.2 i found that the tipping point is between 530 and 570ms

2) on the At5 with 3.0 i found that the tipping point is between 550 and 600ms

3) on the Ti with 3.1.1 i found that the tipping point is between 230 and 320ms
here i tried in custom encoder mapping and non-custom. this didn't seem to make a difference.

so 1 & 2 could be the same behavior, but 3 is definitely different.

could this please go back to the way it was before? i'm not even sure why a long press cannot write the parameter name as well, but i'm sure smarter minds than mine have figured this out.

thx, ueli

added note about custom encoders in 3.1.1
[edited by: ueliriegg at 10:09 PM (GMT -5) on Tue, Apr 19 2022]
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