Bug: [Group] [X] [Shift] [About] [Enter]

Hello everyone

I have noticed something when playing around, I think this should not be like this, eventhough I wouldn’t use it anyway. 

when typing [Group] [X] [Shift] [About] [Enter]

the syntax appearing in the command Line is:

Group X + Channel 0 Cell 01 Enter

After pressing [Enter] again, channels selectet are Group X + Channel 1

Cheers, Jan

Parents Reply
  • Hi Sara

    on a IOO running 2.9., it ends up in a bit a different syntax ( [Group] [2] + [Channel] [1] ) so it also selects channel 1, even it‘s not in this group.

    What is the expected behaviour of this syntax?  To only select group 2, right? 

    seems strange that you can‘t replicate this, since i got this on different consoles with different software, right..?

    to be sure we‘re doing the same, what I press is:

    [Group] [2] (without enter!) [Shift] [About] [Enter] 

    the syntax I get is:

    Group] [2] + [Channel] [0 Cell 01]

    selected channels are Group 2 and channel 1. 
    happens with any other group, if a replace Group 2 with any other group, its the other group but still + channel 0 cell 01.

    when having a empty command line and only pressing [shift] [about] [enter] it ends up in the syntax Channel 1

    it really does not matter for me, just wanted to figure out if it‘s expected behaviour, i can handle it like this :)

