Unexpected behaviour of cues


I made a little video to show my problem. I started a new showfile, patched 10 generic dimmers and stored them at full in cue 1/1.

Then I recorded the effect shown in the video and stored the dimmers with that effect in cue 2/1. cue 1/ and 2/ have the same priorities.

The things that do not work to my expectation are:

1. Cue 1/1 is active (with int master at 60% ) and cue 2/1 is triggered, the dimmers do not change intensities to 100 but stay at 60.

2. After Cue 2/1 is released the max intensity of cue 1/1 is the level the fixtures were at, before releasing.

Software Version: 3.1.1 Build 120

For better understanding you here`s the video and the showfile.

Cue mit FXCue Test 2022-05-01 19-11-59.esf2
