make own gobo library - how to


i am proceeding with my Fixture for the DeskDough Beam.

Because it has a Library of a lot of Gobos build in, i like to have them visualised in the Gobo selection.


However, my Library right know contains of 13 Folders with 536 Gobos in total included.

Making a single Gobowhell selection would not be helpfull.
And i can't think of a way to do it right know.


On the other hand, there is the high amount of gobos that are not realy compareable to the standard Gobos. (but i could approximate)
If i had an Virtual layer it will take access to the internal Library. But even that is nothing i know how to gain controll of.

And even if i make 13 Custom Gobo Wheels. How do i link them to only 1 Goboselect attribute.




Any Help is appreciated

For better understanding here are some more infos on the Fixture itself.





with kind regards

