Cues not playing out live

Working on an Ion XE 20.  A random coworker (who doesn't know the board) started button mashing and now cues will not play out live.  I can see that they are still saved and I can watch them load the correct values/levels for each of the fixtures on the live table, but nothing is actually playing out live. Lights are still controllable manually, but if I load a cue it takes all the lights down to 0.  It also isn't letting me save new cues or save over old ones.  It will let me go through the motions, but when I load the new cue none of the values show as saved on the live table.  I feel like I've tried EVERYTHING, but to no avail.  

  • This same thing happened to me.  I have an Element 2.   Everything worked fine for the afternoon dress rehearsal, yet had no output for the evening event.   The board ran the cues, but there was no DMX from the console.   Lucky that I was running a backup computer, so after 10 minutes of rebooting and reloading, with no results, I could get the event to begin.   ueliriegg told me the same thing, that my faders above the GO button were down.  And like you, they were not down.   I let the console sit off overnight, and the next day it was business as usual.   No problems.  I was ready to call tech-Support at that moment, when I could not repeat the problem.  I have run the console everyday since then with no mishaps.   My issues were never explained, as they just went away.  Good Luck.

  • The left side of my board was down last week as well.
    I went into the shell and tryed to run a facepanel test. No left side was there.
    Then i had a look at the drivers. My Faders (The left side of the board) where is boodload-Mode.

    Maybe an USB-Stick in the slot while restarting that interfered...
    I shut down the hole console and after a clean start, everything worked out again.

  • The left side of my board was down last week as well.
    I went into the shell and tryed to run a facepanel test. No left side was there.
    Then i had a look at the drivers. My Faders (The left side of the board) where is boodload-Mode.

    Maybe an USB-Stick in the slot while restarting that interfered...
    I shut down the hole console and after a clean start, everything worked out again.

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