Record Manual Cue Playback Timing?


Picture this: you are a lighting designer for a theatre musical and you have 20 cues during a particular song. You know exactly when all the cues are, but it would be difficult for your stage manager to learn and to execute consistently each night. You're using MIDI to fire the first light cue and the start of the song at the exact same time. You don't have time to set a bunch of follows and delays for fake "timecode". What you want to do is you want to run through the song yourself, while manually flipping through the cues, and you want the board (ETC Ion) to remember when exactly the go button is pressed throughout that song.

I've tried doing this with a macro, but it doesn't record the time in between presses.

So basically I think what I'm looking for is a macro-like thing that does exactly what a macro does, but remembers the time in between presses of the Go button. 

Any ideas?

  • Is this what you are looking for? From the EOS Family Show Control User Guide:

    Adding Events using Learn Mode:

    If you select an event list within the show control display, you can press the [Learn] hardkey to activate learn mode for that event list. When in learn mode, an event is created with the current list time whenever a cue is activated, a submaster bump is pressed, or a macro is run. Once in learn mode, the [Learn] key will remain lit to indicate that it is in learn mode. If the show control display is exited, the console remains in learn mode until deactivated. Multiple time code lists can be in learn mode simultaneously, each with their individual times. It is recommended that you associate the event list and cue list together, so events will be learned into the intended time code list. To exit learn mode, the console must be in the show control display. Once there, select the event list then press [Learn] again. If [Learn] is pressed while viewing any otherscreen than the show control display an empty event will be placed on all event lists that are in learn mode. Open the show control display. [Displays]{ShowControl} Select the event list to enable learning on. [1] [/] Press the [Learn] key. [1] [/] [Learn] In the Status column it now says Learning, and the [Learn] button is illuminated.

  • I would probably have to try it on the console at the theater and not on the laptop version here at home to be sure, but I don't think that's going to be helpful since I'm not running timecode. My current understanding of this Learn feature is that it is dependent on timecode already being present. I created some events using the above described method and it did learn the events, but all the timecodes just have a bunch of zeros. I think it would record the manual timing if was running timecode. 

    I need something that generates simple Follows with timings based on a Learn session. So you would advance into say Cue 30, and it would automatically play back what you taught it. 

    So what I'm trying to do is pretend the light board is an electronic keyboard/piano: all I want to do is have it record and play back the song I just played on it. 

    That actually makes me think about MIDI. you know previously we were working on figuring out how to do this exact thing with Qlab through MIDI. Couldn't get it to work. But that adds a whole other level of complexity to it. 

    I just need to teach it a song. 

  • You are correct about your timecode not running during learning, which is why it was a time of 00:00:00:00 for each event.

    To get past this, you can enable the internal timecode on your show control list by clicking {internal} then hitting [enter]. Enabling the internal timecode will start the list's timecode. Enabling the internal timecode is macro-able. You can execute this macro with your first cue, then learn the time with the previously provided method.

    You can then disable your internal clock by clicking {internal} then [enter] again, and reset list's timeclock with {event} [(list number)] [/] [Time] [0].

    Your recorded events will then playback when you start the internal clock again. Since you already attached a macro to the first cue to start it, this happens when you take the first cue and subsequent cues should play back in time as they were learned.

    The one thing I am not sure of and you would have to test yourself is:

    Does firing the cue via midi also execute the attached macro?

    If it does work, I recommend having a different list for each set of cues you want to do this for. I also recommend making another macro that executes at the end of each cue set, which disables and resets your clock for that list.

  • Ok I feel like this is super close to working, but the macro I made starts the clock perfectly fine in blind, but doesn’t work when in live. I need it to work in live.

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