Manual Marking with multipart cues -- can only mark in one of the parts?

Question about manual marking, when the marked cue is a multi-part cue.

I can specify which Part the Mark should occur in, which of course affects the mark timing, as long as I haven't overridden the timings with discrete times in the reference cue.

Do I understand correctly that I can only choose one Part to mark in? So, assume hypothetical Q5 is my reference cue ... I can't have some fixtures mark in Q2 Part1 and others in Q2 Part2; if multiple parts have a mark flag, then the mark always happens in the last part with the flag. Is that the way it should be?

The use case for this might sound a bit contrived, but I could imagine a realistic situation: imagine that moving Q1 to Q2 is relatively loud (music etc), so it doesn't matter how fast most of the movers go, and they need to be ready quickly. So I would want them to refocus in 1 second.

I would want to use the same Q2 to mark another fixture, but this fixture a) has more time because it comes on later (say, hypothetical cue 8) and b) I want to move it slowly because it otherwise shakes the bar too much. If I understand EOS' current marking abilities correctly, I would need to mark this one fixture in a different cue -- or, override that fixture's mark time with a discrete timing.

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