Macro Help

Macro Help

Hello All! I am relatively new to this sphere, I am running 3.0 build 282 and would like a macro to post the first part of a palette number, but allow the user to input the second digit (i.e. macro says CP 9_ and user inputs 3 for CP 93), but even if the macro ends at that point (and does not continue after user pressing enter) I get syntax error any time a second number is inputted and have to type the whole command from scratch.


On a side note, I have seen other people are unable to add the Shift+About command line search into macros as well, will this be something added in the future? I am attempting to set the board up for untrained people to still be able to get what they would like out of it, and the more steps I can cut out for them in a macro the better.

Anything helps, thank you in advance!

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