Background Macro firing and commands being recorded whilst editing Macro

Hi folks,

Bit of an odd one but I've got a couple of background macros being fired over OSC which is all working fine and dandy, however when I'm editing other macros in tab 18 and the OSC background macro is triggered, the commands the triggered macro is trying to fire are pasted into the edit window as if typed by my user and not being fired in the background.

I don't know if this is a bug, but it seems like the macro edit window is listening to all users input on the same console and not just the user that's actively editing the macro!

Hope that makes some sort of sense... Knee deep in a tech week and thought I should query this whilst I still remember!


  • The behavior is similar to if you were editing a Macro and pressed a Macro Direct Select button - the Macro wouldn't play, it would be added to the Macro you are editing.

    When you initially connect an OSC Client to Eos Software, the software makes the OSC Client be the same User# as the Primary console.  When the Primary console changes its User#, the OSC Client changes along with it.

    I would suggest reserving a User# just for your OSC Client, and switching to that one when you connect.  That's done by sending eg. "/eos/user=99" From that point onward until disconnection, your OSC Client will be "User 99" when it operates.  You can even make it a higher number than 99, so that it never interacts with a console's command line; i/aRFR Classic uses User#2400+, and current i/aRFR can use 1-9999, where Automatic gives User#4000+.

  • The behavior is similar to if you were editing a Macro and pressed a Macro Direct Select button - the Macro wouldn't play, it would be added to the Macro you are editing.

    When you initially connect an OSC Client to Eos Software, the software makes the OSC Client be the same User# as the Primary console.  When the Primary console changes its User#, the OSC Client changes along with it.

    I would suggest reserving a User# just for your OSC Client, and switching to that one when you connect.  That's done by sending eg. "/eos/user=99" From that point onward until disconnection, your OSC Client will be "User 99" when it operates.  You can even make it a higher number than 99, so that it never interacts with a console's command line; i/aRFR Classic uses User#2400+, and current i/aRFR can use 1-9999, where Automatic gives User#4000+.

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