Swap channel numbers with presets

Hey community!

We are in front of an issue. We want to reorganize our rigg in our theatre and I guess there is a simple/quick solution, but I can't find it out. Over the years summed up not logical channel numbers. And that sucks. 

at first to our setup. We are talking about four Robe Robin 800 LED Wash. 

801 upstage right

802 upstage left

803 downstage right

804 downstage left

We want to swap the channel numbers 801 with 803 and 802 with 804. But we have already programmed shows with these fixtures with presets. 

My question:

Is there a way (macro, patch,...) to swap the channel numbers and update presets?

To make it clear: 801 will be the new 803, but the new 803 needs to get the preset informations from the old 801. that's important for positions, beam and so on. The physical rigg positions will be the same. 

I hope it is clear what we want to do...

Thanks a lot for now!

All the best


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