Automark earliest

I always assumed that in the settings you could tell EOS how to behave on automark with the Latest or Earliest setting. Reading the manual I discovered that this is not the case.

it would be nice to set the global Automark behavior to Earliest, to mark fixtures in the the first cue after the intensity became zero. Latest being the current behavior where a fixture marks in the preceding the cue it marks for.

Also some desks make it possible to also mark effects. The effect would then be running already in the preceding cue, so that the effect is already running when the fixtures fade from zero. It could be nice to be able to choose this an option in the settings too.

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  • The "problem" is, ETC have one of the best Darkmove System in own house.
    I can say to everybody how ask for Darkmove, take a look at 20-30-40 years old Transtechnik Systems.
    Yes, yes, Automark is not Darkmove.
    And nobody can tell me it is not possible implement Transtechnik Darkmove in EOS System.
    At the end, ALL Computers are only If-Then Machines.....

    For simple discussion,... Microsoft Office runs at Apple, most of all Applikation runs on IOS and Android,....
    Means, many many software can run on different Systems.
    But only Transtechnik Software can`t work on EOS Systems?
    And during parallel times of Transtechnik and EOS many Syntax from EOS implement at Transtechnik and also other direction.

    And shure,... it is possible work with Reference Marks and it is also possible find ever a work around.
    (I can also buy a car with automatic transmission and drive it as a manual gear change....)
    On the other hand,... EOS Users ask since more then 10 years for correction at Darkmove in EOS.
    For a senseless 3D Visualizer is time, implement Video Content in a LIGHTDESK,... ETC find time for.
    But for a Basicfunction,....???

    As i "must" change from Transtechnik to EOS i have ask so often, is the Darkmove same as at Transtechnik.
    And i ever hear Yes, it is.
    But very fast i find out, Nope, Automark in EOS is a bad joke in oposite to Darkmove from Transtechnik.
