An "Expert" used our Element 2 over the weekend . When I came in to clean up this morning I noticed that "ALLNPS" kept appearing in the CL. I did a Clear CL and clicked on the [ALL NPS] button but whaterver I did it would ait maybe two or three seconds and then "ALLNPS" would pop back into the CL.

BUT! when I saved the showfile to a USB and bought it home the "ALLNPS" Did not appear.

I noticed that ths mouse was jumping around and refocusiing the cursor in or near the the right sreen's NPS parnei!

I'm wondering of I have a sticky key somewhere.

Parents Reply
  • This am I saw the screens were plastered with sticky fingerprints. I use the mouse mostly especially in these pandemic days. I think to leave the unit like that was pretty disgusting. "Show over and out the door". Before turning on I gave both screens a good clean and checked the connections which seemd sound. Thankfully, on start up things were back to normal. Moral: Cleanup after you and leave the console the way you found it. 

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