does anybody know how I can archive this?
I'd like to create macros to improve my color picker magic sheet https://community.etcconnect.com/control_consoles/eos-family-consoles/m/share-your-magic-sheet/55685
For example when clicking on red button in Spot row, at the moment the macro takes all spots and applies color palett red to it instantly. To make it more interesting while busking, I'd like it to take all spots but offset random and apply color palett red to it but with an individual delay from 0 to maybe 2 seconds.
In my mind it sounds like group 1 offset random color palett 3 delay 0 to 2 or something like that. But this does not work.
Note: I don't want it to fade from that command with individual fade times. I want it to behave like I would pick one fixture at a time and applying color palett 3 to it. But rapidly fast depending on the number of fixtures obviously.
Thanks in advance