Effect when using "copy to plus show" in patch

Hi !
I was trying to use the "copy to plus show" function in patch. But I see some strange behavior, maybe someone can explain:
Let's say I have 16 dimmers, ch1 thru 16.
I create an dimmer effect, regular sinus.
I apply this effect to the 16 channels, with an offset (mirror out for instance) and store this in a cue.
If I copy the 16 channels "plus show" to ch17 thru 32, when I load the cue, all the new channels have the same behavior than channel 1. The effect is not spread. The result is an unusable effect.
But, if I do exactly the same but without offset, the behavior is as expected : the effect is spread to all the channels.
I have already tried to copy one channel at a time, with no success.
It makes to me completely useless the "plus show" function as I have to reprogram all my effects when I use an offset.
I can see the same in groups stored with offsets. The new channels are added at the end of the group and the selection order is not relevant anymore.
Is it impossible to entirely copy the behavior of one group of fixtures to another ?
Thank you for any information about that issue. I change my setup everytime I play my show...