Effect Help - chase sequence

I'm looking for some help on a sequence that I cannot get to work elegantly - any advice welcome.

Setup: 4 channel sequential chase, no other parameters.


Q1 - all 4 channels solid on at say, 50%

Q2 - slow fade into a slowish chase (say cycle time 2), with time+dwell or in+out+dwell, depending on type. a smooth, rolling-style chase where all channels are changing intensity continuously, say between 40% and 60%

Q3 - slow change in the above effect with the following changes: high and low intensities slowly change to 100% and 0% + dwell slowly changes to 0 + chase slowly becomes strictly sequential, one step at a time, one channel on at a time + cycle time slowly reduces to .2 seconds.

Going from Q1-2 is no problem using any style effect, and I can change the effect timing to increase the rate and size without trouble, but I can't figure out a way to get the timing to all zeros and to change the overlap to single channel only. Those parameters don't exist in Effect Status. I've also tried fading to a different effect, but there doesn't seem to be a way to sync the rhythm between the two to get a smooth acceleration.


Thanks so much,


  • Hello Rick,

    after trying your FX for my self...

    I would end up to use Values for Dwell and one Level in a Absolute Effect.
    The second Level could be Background.

    And as Dirk has told, using the possibility to change FX-Values per Cue works great.


    I endet up using an Abolute FX because the Min-Max values are better to controll and the dwell as well.

  • Hello Rick,

    after trying your FX for my self...

    I would end up to use Values for Dwell and one Level in a Absolute Effect.
    The second Level could be Background.

    And as Dirk has told, using the possibility to change FX-Values per Cue works great.


    I endet up using an Abolute FX because the Min-Max values are better to controll and the dwell as well.

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