IonXe20 Overheating

Our newly bought Ion Xe20 seems to be suffering from the heat a lot, with current temperatures regularily hitting 30+°C 

The cooling fan of the desk goes on full power more for a few seconds (between 3 and 15s) before turning off, without notice

This is a big problem during shows as the desk is right next to the audience, and the show is a mostly quiet theater piece. We are using mostly conventionals, with a few static LEDs (RJ DALIS, RJ ZEP profiles, S4 Lustr 2). 

The problem also occurs frequently when using the color picker, or trying different color paths. 

We are running Eos v3.1.1.120, and the theater is pretty dusty, but nothing crazy.

My questions are therefore : 

- Is it normal ? 

- Is there a way to access the BIOS and program the cooling fan to use a more subtle curve ? 

- Can this be set during live operation ? (we have a 20 minute pause in the middle of the show, that I could use to cool the desk on full power for instance)

Thanks !
