How does one control an individually selected fixture on a beam pallet fader?

I am running a nomad magic sheet with 6 moving spots, and I want to control the zoom, edge, and gobo rotation on faders.

I have the fixtures grouped in various collections, and individually for selection, and when I create a beam pallet for zoom, edge, and gobo rot., as record only, and map the faders to the beam pallets, filtered by their type, I can control all the fixtures whether selected or not for any of the 3 parameters.

What I want is to be able to select the group/fixture, and control it, not all 6 at once.

I've watched the "by type" video, and have recorded filtered, record only in discreet and following beam pallets, and in every instance, I control all the fixtures.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something, but I'm lost.

Thanks in advance.

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