Parameter not releasing to background

I'm running Eos 3.1.3

I have a virtual media server patched at Channel 3900. I have it recorded into Cue 1/27 with intensity full and crossfade -100.

Cue 11/1 has a media layer at full and also Channel 3900 with intensity full and crossfade -100. Back from first is set to cue out.

With Cue 1/27 playing back, I can play back Cue 11/1 and it shows the media layer. Good. But when I go back from first on Cue list 11, it sets Channel 3900's crossfade to 0 (its home). It should release that parameter to its background which is -100 from Cue 1/27. To get it to go back to the correct background value I then have to type Go To Cue 1/27 even though Cue 1/27 is playing back.

Interestingly, typing Go to Cue 11/0 instead of going back from first on cue list 11 works as it should.

Anyway, my workaround was to remove all the server channel parameters from every cue list except cue list 1 and leave cue list 1 active all the time.

Also, setting a home preset for the crossfade parameter will work.
