Just wanted to try to start a discussion on the topic of displays. Recently I’ve had a number of issues with display management on Eos and feel like they aren’t getting the attention needed since some have been present for some time now. These are present in 3.1.3 and include;
1. Encoder display on Gio is by default open on Snapshot, even though it was closed when recording it.
2. Slow/laggy/flickering of tabs when recalling snapshots.
3. PSD notes section font size and active/pending status not recordable into snapshots.
4. Under some circumstances, Tab 1 will take focus in the frame my MS Channel Layout is even though the MS is set as Channel Display. I’m regularly recalling my “Home” snapshot to stop this from happening. Every time I want to use Tab 1, I’ll manually tap it. Every time I don’t need it, it will open by itself eventually and I recall my snapshot to gey rid of it.
5. Plugging in an external monitor tends to move screens around, swap the contents or just not pick up on the external monitor. I use the recommended touch screen one from Dell and last week on 3.1.3 I probably restarted Eos 2-3 times just to get it to show up - and that has happened to me a few times before.
6. When tapping in various elements in the UI, sometimes they leave a lighter color in the button. Sometimes they don’t. Workspaces, ML controls, Snapshot softkeys up top, as well as Sub config and Cue List index do this as well.
7. Often when I open the A3D tab, it will be grey and I have to close it and open again for it to show up correctly.
The UX is just a bit unpredictable sometimes, and this slows users down and gets in the way of working efficiently and fast. Don’t get me wrong, after working on a GMA2 last week, I was so happy to have my Ti buddy back. He is a bit clunky sometimes, but he is my clunky! Love him to death, but he could use some work. I wish the devs could have like a year to refine current features, improve workflows and speed, and not worry about new features. But I don’t know anything about software development so whatever!
Just wanted to share my thoughts since this has bugged me a bit for the last few months/years and I have an Apex 10 on order that will serve for many years to come.