RDM adding/patching found devices

hi everyone. activating rdm was sofar pritty easy and fun:-) but not entierly well. we have some jb's and few other devices in the house, eos version 3.1.3 build 8 and using etc mkII.

almost everything was found but adding them to the patch, i do run it on german - it says verbinden, the fixture type gets changed to RDM version and looking and the parameters of the fixture it is everything intensity...

and here is the question - trying to add/connect JB P18 to the patch it says cant add it because the devise is not using dmx-adress (in german "Fehler: dieses Gerät benutzt keine DMX-Adressen). there is also one martin wash which just gets unpatched:-/

any thoughts?:-) thanks in advance!!

best regards

  • i found the solution but still would declair it as a bug:

    so, ass soon i do connect devices which were found to my patch, the fixture type will get changed to "custom" RDM Version. looking into the parameters of these types, they do differ from original... jb 18 i mentioned before do not have any parameters in the rdm version at all. my solution was to add exactly the same amount of parameters into the fixture (they dont have to match to the real ones, it just has to be same amount) and then after the connection succeeded, change the type/fixture back to the original.

    i dont understand why the type has to be changed at all.

    best regerads

  • i found the solution but still would declair it as a bug:

    so, ass soon i do connect devices which were found to my patch, the fixture type will get changed to "custom" RDM Version. looking into the parameters of these types, they do differ from original... jb 18 i mentioned before do not have any parameters in the rdm version at all. my solution was to add exactly the same amount of parameters into the fixture (they dont have to match to the real ones, it just has to be same amount) and then after the connection succeeded, change the type/fixture back to the original.

    i dont understand why the type has to be changed at all.

    best regerads

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