XYZ cordinates arent working correctly on my moving pars

I'm trying to get my lights to shine their beams down the middle in between them, but it keeps going to the sides when I move their X position past the negatives

This is what happens: 2022.09.04 - (2).mp4

  • The end result is totaly correct.
    I don't know why it happens that way but i do have a clue.

    Movin that way, the Pan value is movin less.

    The Way you like it the Pan has move a lot. Optimal move, i would call it.


    And you only told the fixture to jump to a new point.
    I you like to have a open move, better record a new pallet and maybe flip the Pan. 

  • The end result is totaly correct.
    I don't know why it happens that way but i do have a clue.

    Movin that way, the Pan value is movin less.

    The Way you like it the Pan has move a lot. Optimal move, i would call it.


    And you only told the fixture to jump to a new point.
    I you like to have a open move, better record a new pallet and maybe flip the Pan. 

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