How to use the assert and assert time ?



I would like to know more about the practial usage of move command, assert and assert time in multi-cue list before I do a EOS demo to my customer.  

  • Hi,

    I've used it while running a cue coming out of an effect. The intensity channels were being controlled by the cue time over the effect time so I put an [intensity] [time] [assert] on the channels so that the transition from effect to cue was tidy.

    Also useful if a channel is being used in playback cue list 1 and you want it to be controlled in cue list 2.

    I'm sure others know more about it.



  • Hi,

    I've used it while running a cue coming out of an effect. The intensity channels were being controlled by the cue time over the effect time so I put an [intensity] [time] [assert] on the channels so that the transition from effect to cue was tidy.

    Also useful if a channel is being used in playback cue list 1 and you want it to be controlled in cue list 2.

    I'm sure others know more about it.


