Folders with Custom Direct Selects

Hello, is there a way to have a sort of folder like structure to Custom Direct Selects. I want to have the 10 OLED keys on Apex be a seperate category "folder", to divide my macros up. When pressed it would show me all relevant macros (thought of using the Jump To function). And in these folders I would have the two next/prev arrows and a return to root button. This is probably not possible natively but is there a method of achieving a similar behaviour? Would love to divide everything up instead of paging up and down all the time to get to a particular macro number, for example from Macros 1001-1010 to 1071-1080 would require 6 presses.


  • silly question: why not use Custom Direct Selects so you don't have 6 presses between 1010 and 1071?

  • I’m trying to do this using CDS. How would I best set up the 10 OLED’s so that from the top I have e.g. Query macros, then Show Control macros, then Marking macros and so on, and pressing each I would get these macros displayd along with a button to return home. Basically folders on streamdeck.

  • disclaimer: i have not actually tried this

    your main page: JumpTo 101, JumpTo 201, JumpTo 301,...
    your 1st subpage: 101, 102, 103, ..., JumpTo 1
    your 2nd subage: 201, 202, 203, ..., JumpTo 1
    your 3rd subpage: 301, 302, 303, ..., JumpTo 1

  • Thanks for the help, Ueli! I got this to work, the thing was though that this limits me to 9 macros per category, and 9 categories total. I am trying to have paging arrows in each category that would page through only a specific CDS but it will page to an empty page that I can’t get out of. I’ll have to do a little more testing tomorrow and see what I can come up with. I’m really happy with the OLED’s and trying to make a solid workflow out of them that can be then added to a touchscreen on older desks when required.

  • don't forget you can not only change the OLEDs with arrow and jump buttons but also with snapshots. with a snapshot you can also use a button from another OLED bank e.g. to navigate to "home". maybe this will help to somehow incorporate more than 10 buttons?

    also: if you only need two pages for a subsection you don't need both arrow keys. in that case the down and the up arrow behave the same, maybe this also helps to not waste buttons

  • don't forget you can not only change the OLEDs with arrow and jump buttons but also with snapshots. with a snapshot you can also use a button from another OLED bank e.g. to navigate to "home". maybe this will help to somehow incorporate more than 10 buttons?

    also: if you only need two pages for a subsection you don't need both arrow keys. in that case the down and the up arrow behave the same, maybe this also helps to not waste buttons
