Adding Effects In Presets In Cues

I have a question about how Eos handles effects inside of presets inside of cues. 

Let's say that I have Channel 1 in preset 1 recorded into Cue 1

Preset 1 is just the light on, no effects applied. 

Then, I have preset 2 which contains channel 1 in effect 1. It has been stored successfully and the effect does indeed show up on the preset list as well as if I type "channel 1 preset 2"


Now, let's say that before I hit go on cue 1, I realize that I want my light to be doing the effect. I copy preset 2 to preset 1 (for this example) - preset 1 now shows that channel 1 should be in an effect, but no effect flag has been applied to the cue in the PSD and playing back the cue does not apply the effect, even though channel 1 is still in preset 1 which now (after copying) contains FX data for that channel.

(If I then type "channel 1 preset 1" it will apply the effect which confirms for me that the copy did indeed replace the data properly.)

So then to me, it seems like an issue with how Eos handles effects inside of presets when it comes to cue playback - if the effect wasn't applied at the time of the cue writing, it won't be included in the playback even if the preset has been later altered to include an effect. 


The workaround is to copy the preset, then blind into the cue and put channel 1 at preset 1 again. In my particular use case this doesn't necessarily work because there are several possible source presets to copy data from based on other variables AND because I feel like while it's indeed a workaround, the expected behavior should be that applying the effect to a channel inside of a preset should update that channel to be in that effect automatically anywhere that the preset is used, right? 

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