ETC nomad and ethernet node

Hi, I Have a show, made on my GIO consolle. I used less then 1024 channels. I used 5 dmx universes and I connect my GIO directly to an ethernet node (luminex  luminous12).

Now, If I open the same show on my mac with my nomad software, and I connect my computer to the same node, only the first 4 dmx output are blinking so they works correctly, the university 5 is not working.

Some one can tell me why?

Thanks you all 


  • so you're using Nomad on mac, i assume with a Nomad dongle, right? the question is if the license on your dongle is big enough.

    with an empty command line open About (keyboard shortcut Y). find the line that says Addresses x of Y. is X bigger than Y? then the license on your dongle is not big enough.

  • so you're using Nomad on mac, i assume with a Nomad dongle, right? the question is if the license on your dongle is big enough.

    with an empty command line open About (keyboard shortcut Y). find the line that says Addresses x of Y. is X bigger than Y? then the license on your dongle is not big enough.
