ETC Ion - hard DMX + ArtNet?


Major overhaul upcoming... tomorrow. Few headaches along the way so as a temporary workaround I'm hoping to achieve the following:

Universe 1 over DMX port 1

Universe 2+ over ArtNet using Network port 2

(Network port 1 is in use for lighting wifi network, can lose this if necessary)

My first and main concern is that, from my research, I understand that the Ion will default to outputting universe 1 to the designated ArtNet start universe (0,1,2...)

Is it possible to designate which universe the Ion starts outputting to ArtNet, so that the DMX port can still be used to control our dimmers (universe 1)?

Second concern.......... we have a Swissonic node (not a net2), I have been assured that this will still work, and just now also assured that it will most likely not. Clear as mud hence why I'm here. From my limited understanding of IP, I fail to see why the Swissonic will not work. I know ETC recommends the Net2/3 for this kind of infrastructure... wondering if anyone has direct experience trying to achieve ArtNet/sACN from an Ion or similar using nodes other than ETC...

Hugely appreciate if anyone has any expertise relating to this and could elucidate.

  • yes, that's possible.

    you patch the channels for DMX to addresses between 1-512
    you patch the channels for ArtNet to addresses between 2/1 and 2/512

    in the Shell you go to Settings>Network, make sure that ArtNet is enabled on network port 2 and that Default is ticked. remember the IP address for port 2.

    in the config of that Swisson node you make sure that you have an IP address that close but not identical to the one you're remembering. and that on DMX port is set to ArtNet universe 1 (yes, universe 1. in ArtNet counting that's the second universe, as universe 0 is the first one).

  • yes, that's possible.

    you patch the channels for DMX to addresses between 1-512
    you patch the channels for ArtNet to addresses between 2/1 and 2/512

    in the Shell you go to Settings>Network, make sure that ArtNet is enabled on network port 2 and that Default is ticked. remember the IP address for port 2.

    in the config of that Swisson node you make sure that you have an IP address that close but not identical to the one you're remembering. and that on DMX port is set to ArtNet universe 1 (yes, universe 1. in ArtNet counting that's the second universe, as universe 0 is the first one).
