can a macro disable and enable a Net3 node?

  My venue has a Unique 2.1 hazer, and for it to go into its manufacturer recommended self clean mode, it has to be done at the hazer itself, or it has to lose dmx signal.  Simply unpatching it didnt work.  I've been told disconnecting the dmx line does, and on a different  system (MA) I've been told that a macro can be written to turn off dmx to the node, then another macro to turn on dmx when you want to use the hazer again.  Is it possible to write macros on an ETC board to disable then enable dmx to the node that controls this particular hazer?  I see in the Gateway Configurator that a node can be disabled then re-enabled, but being able to do so from the console would be far more convenient.  Not a big deal really, just curious, especially as my hazer is 4 staircases up! 
