dongle 6144 outputs while etc ion 1024 outputs

I've opened my ETC Ion and took out my dongle. Placed it in a Macbook. In the ETC Ion i have 1024 outputs, on a Macbook i have 6144 outputs. How is this possible and why?????? 

  • There are some complicated reasons behind the scenes, but Eos always knows which device it is running on, and calculates the licensing based on that device. Many years ago, we moved from licensing in 1k increments to "base" and "unlocked." So your console was purchased at 1024, but your Nomad sees that as "unlocked" and gives you Nomad's maximum capacity. 

    While it will generally function, we do not officially support the removal of the license key from a console to be used on other devices, so this behavior will continue. Enjoy the free additional outputs on your Nomad :) 

  • There are some complicated reasons behind the scenes, but Eos always knows which device it is running on, and calculates the licensing based on that device. Many years ago, we moved from licensing in 1k increments to "base" and "unlocked." So your console was purchased at 1024, but your Nomad sees that as "unlocked" and gives you Nomad's maximum capacity. 

    While it will generally function, we do not officially support the removal of the license key from a console to be used on other devices, so this behavior will continue. Enjoy the free additional outputs on your Nomad :) 

  • Thanks for the answer, but it didn't really help me that much. I wanted know why there is a difference in number of outputs between a Ion (1024) and a separate dongle (back then 1024 now 6144) i bought. I don't know why ETC changed the number of outputs to 6144 for a separate dongle with the use of Nomad software and not for an Ion. I really appreciate the upgrade in outputs i got for the separate dongle.It just feels a little illogical that a device (Ion) i bought for 5 x the price of a separate dongle has 6x less outputs.
