Recording Offset Subgroups Into New Groups

Hey All,

I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but can't think what it is...

Trying to take some channel 'sets' made using offset on an existing group, and then record them into separate new groups.

Ie - over simplistic example- group 1 is chans 1, 2, 3, 4.

I want to go:

Group 1 OFFSET NUMGROUPS 4  *  (1>4 now selected)

NEXT (1 now selected)

... and now I want to record that selection - ie. just channel 1 - into a new group.

But at this point, even though the command line is showing  Group 1 Offset Numgroups 4: Chan1, if I press RECORD it doesn't grab that as a channel selection - rather it clears out the command line. SELECT LAST brings back 'Group 1 Offset Num Groups 4' rather than just the subselection I'd made.

My terrible workaround wa to turn all the other lights off, make the 'subselection' live then re-grab it using SELECT ACTIVE, but that's far from idea.

If feels like such an obvious thing to want to do that I'm sure there must be a way of doing it.....



  • That is, because the Commanline got terminated in your progress.
    Hit [Shift]+[Enter] and the last selection is back, unterminated.

  • Ah, yup, that helps. Thanks.

    For the list: it'd be great if there was a way (... or is there a way?) or quickly making 'subgroups' like this in one command:


    or somesuch...?


  • Just bumping this up the list again because while Mathilda's suggestions does as described, it doesn't solve my problem because I still can't selectively store the 'subgroup' I have selected.

    Overly simplistic example to make the case:




    command line says: Group 1 Offset Num Groups 4 : Chan 1 *    as expected, but command line terminated.

    shift-enter, as suggested, command line says:

    Group 1 Offset Num Groups 4: Chan 1    ie. not terminated. If I went @FL now, only chan 1 would be at full, again as expected.

    BUT if I then instead type RECORD GROUP 2, so the command line says:

    Group 1 Offset Num Groups 4: Chan 1 RECORD GROUP 2 *

    I would expect group 2 to only contain chan 1.

    What it actually contains is chans 1>4, though presented as (1) (2) (3) (4).

    Ie. the record command is taking the first part of the command line before the :, not the actual currently 'active' channel selection after the :.

    I think this is wrong because I still don't think I have any way of recording my 'subgroup' into its own group other than using workarounds involving putting the channels on then re-selecting using select-active or query. It's also inconsistent because it behaves differently from '@level' with the same channel selection showing.

    Niche, I know.... ;-)


  • I know that work arounds are not the real deal.
    But did you try to Record a "helper"-Group, as in the middle of going to the End-Grouping?

    That will indeed make a little bit more key-action.
    But you maybe could come closer to you goal with the current software-possibilitys.

  • Do you mean, making individual smaller groups then making one 'master' group out of those groups?

    Yes, I've done that as a workaround in some cases.

    But what I'm really trying to extract are some 'random order' subgroups from my master group...

    (And also just this feels wrong, because as noted it means '@level' and 'record' pick up different channel combinations from the same command line).


  • This is very specific for your 4part Subgroup.

    - Ch1 < 8 {Offset} {Num Of Groups} 4 [Record] [Group] 101 [Enter] //Group 101 Is my Helper-Group
    -> Helper-Group will be (1<2)(3<4)(5<6)(7<8)

    - [Group] 101 {Offset} 4 / 2
    -> selection will be (3<4)

    With the Offset n / m maybe you could come closer to what you like to do. But you should always know how much subgroups you have in your helper-group.

    --- Edit, one more ---
    And for sure you can simply hit [Next], while having your helper-group selected, to step through.

  • This is currently not possible. If you still feel this would make a valuable addition to the Eos software, please head over to the Feature Request section of this forum to let the Product Management Team know about it.

    Thank you.
