What Profile would you recommend for these 'No Name, No brand, No Model' LED PARs?

I need to use a number of "No Name" LED PARs for the next few days.

What Profile would you recommend for these 'No Name, No Brand, No Model' LED PARs?

7 DMX Channels
1 = Intensity (I)
2 = Strobe (S)
3 = Various Colour Chases, details below
4 = Colour Chase Speed
5 = Red (R)
6 = Green (G)
7 = Blue (B)
For DMX 3
0-50 = Nothing
51-100 = Colour Chase, stepping from colour to colour in the order: Red (R), Green (G), Blue (B), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y), Cyan (C), White (W), repeating, speed controlled by DMX 4, slowest speed is a bit under 1 second a step.
101-150 = Colour Chase but fading, not stepping, from colour to colour in the same order as above but not repeating, but instead bouncing at the end and going back through the colours backwards.
151-200 = Colour Chase in steps, but with Black in between each colour.
201 - 255 = Red, not changing, not affected by DMX 4
I've made a custom profile with Intensity, Strobe, 2 x Dummy Channels,and Red, Green, and Blue (7 DMX Channels) and it works fine but I don't have any idea what parameter to choose for the two Dummy Channels.
I don't actually know if it is worth bothering with the two Effects Channels for all that they seem to do, but I might be missing something interesting I haven't figured out yet.
  • Hmmm... Since they are color parameter i would scroll trough the color-list.

    There are (Color Macros, Color Effect, Color Mix, Color Chase Rate, Color Crossfade, Color Mix Mode, Color Mode, Color Mix MSpeed, Color Mix MSpeed Mode)
    that i would consider.

    The main question: are you going to use the internal FXs or are you using EOS to make FXs?
    And how often are you going to use them in the Future?

    If you have fun building this fixture, go for it and take some time to make it work.
    If you think "what a pain", consider to not make it and leave them be as dummys.

    IRGBSt Fixture can be found in the Generic folder. Add two more dummys to it and you are fine.
    They are in Generic<LED *


    without knowing what you are going to do, and how often you will use them....
    I still would say, don't bother to much and focus on IRGBSt. Finish!

    ; )


  • I think I'll take this as a learning exercise and 'have some fun' to see if I can make a fully functioning profile for these.  They belong to a friend so I may end up using them again sometime.

    I have a profile now I made by adding two dummy channels to a Generic LED ISRGB profile and it works fine, but I expect I will learn something if I try to fill this profile out myself I think.  Thanks for the suggestions on where to look for parameters for the effects channels.

  • Because i'm curious,.... why are you using dummy channels?

    If i be right, this Channels ends in the Controll Section for the Lamp.
    So if you need it one time, it is not soooo easy for manipulate the Channels.

    Why not work with intens 2, Intens 3,...?

  • dummy channels are for things you don't want to ever see, to simplify the fixture profile. and that can be something completely reasonable.

    if on the other hand you think you might want to use it some day, then please don't use Intens2 or similar that's relating to color and to speed. not using a parameter name that helps you remember what the function does, is asking for trouble.

  • In this concret case i would work with Color Macro and Color Macro Speed as Parameter.

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