Our two Ion consoles take forever to shutdown or just don't shutdown at all.

Afternoon All

I am hoping someone out there can offer a solution as to why our two Ion consoles take forever to shutdown or just don't shutdown at all. Ever since the last software update we have been experiencing this problem of our Ion consoles however it has not effected our Xe, Eos Ti or Gio consoles all of which shutdown correctly.

Has the new update changed something in the settings or is it related to the age of the consoles both of which are about eight years old now. I would welcome any suggestions to remedy the issue as I'm certain switching the desks off at the mains is not doing them any favours.

Hope you can help.


  • Hello Paul, there could be many reasons for this.  I would guess that the Ion software is trying to shut down some service or background task and is getting hung up there.

    There are two things to try:

    - First, let it sit for at least 90 seconds; this should automatically create a Hang Dump that would be included when you pull log files and email them to eos [at ] etcconnect.com 

    - Second, save your showfile to a thumbdrive, then quit / close.  Perform a Deep Clear from Welcome Screen > Settings > Maintenance, then start as Primary and shut down.  If that goes quickly, try reloading the showfile and see if it's now resolved.
