Can't Block Channel Parameters in Intensity Block Cues

Curious if this is by design or by accident:

chan 1 is a light with intensity and parameters.

I have a cue 1 and a cue 2.

I make cue 2 an Intensity Block cue. Chan 1's intensity shows as blocked (white colouring).

Later, I want to block the rest of the parameters for just that channel. I would expect being in cue 2 in blind and going '1 BLOCK' to block all of the parameters of that light - but it doesn't. Only the intensity remains blocked.

This might be a deliberate design choice (it is an 'intensity block' cue after all).

It might be an accident: the first block might be trying to unblock the intensity but can't (because it's an IB cue), and so the second fails to block everything else.

Curious as to which it is. Feels like this is a valid thing to want to do and doesn't mess with the 'Intensity Block' logic.

