Direct Selects Scenes

Hey there,

silly question probably... When I work with Scenes and want to select them via Direct Selects, I only select the Cue of the Scene in the Command Line. If Double Click DS is enabled in the Settings, I can start the Scene with a double click or double tap on the touchscreen. Can I also do this by single click somehow?

Thanks a lot and greetings


  • direct selects by default only write their object name to the command line and terminate it. presets, palettes, scenes all behave the same. if you don't have anything else already in the command line, the direct select button for Preset 1 will not affect a change on stage, it will simply write the preset to the command line. and the scene behaves exactly the same.

    yes, if you already have a channel selection in the command line, then you will see an output change when using the Preset 1 button. in that case the direct select button adds to the command line and forms a command line that will do stuff. the phrase Chan 1 Preset 1 is in that respect simliar to GoToCue Scene 1 (you already have GoToCue in the command line and add the scene by pressing a direct select).

    if you want direct selects to "do stuff" even if they are not completing an already open command line (e.g. with a selection), then you need to activate DS Doublecklick in setup. this means that a double click will directly affect output. that works for the preset and that works for the scene.

    so, without double click activated, direct selects on their own aren't "dangerous", they will only select their object, but not affect output - the same for presets, palettes etc.    with double click activated direct selects become "dangerous".

  • direct selects by default only write their object name to the command line and terminate it. presets, palettes, scenes all behave the same. if you don't have anything else already in the command line, the direct select button for Preset 1 will not affect a change on stage, it will simply write the preset to the command line. and the scene behaves exactly the same.

    yes, if you already have a channel selection in the command line, then you will see an output change when using the Preset 1 button. in that case the direct select button adds to the command line and forms a command line that will do stuff. the phrase Chan 1 Preset 1 is in that respect simliar to GoToCue Scene 1 (you already have GoToCue in the command line and add the scene by pressing a direct select).

    if you want direct selects to "do stuff" even if they are not completing an already open command line (e.g. with a selection), then you need to activate DS Doublecklick in setup. this means that a double click will directly affect output. that works for the preset and that works for the scene.

    so, without double click activated, direct selects on their own aren't "dangerous", they will only select their object, but not affect output - the same for presets, palettes etc.    with double click activated direct selects become "dangerous".

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